Tuesday 29 January 2019

Investing is learning, ALWAYS!

10.54% interest rate. If the interest rate could be better? Now I know it could, it could be so much better! But all this is part of my process of learning. There are lots of things that are not explained in tutorials (at least those I saw and / or read) and that we have to learn from our mistakes. In my case, the initial error was to set auto-invest parameters that run contrary to my preferences. It was my mistake, it has NOTHING to do with the design of the platform.

You can verify that the auto invest profile that I have now has defined the minimum rate of 12.9%. This means that the automatic investment will begin to be made from 12.9%, as long as it complies with all other parameters I have defined. In practice, auto invest will first subscribe for loans with lower rates and only after the loans with lower interest rates are exhausted it will subscribe to loans with higher interest rates.

In my previous auto invest profile, I had selected the interest rate from 9.5% and what happened was that auto invest invested the entire money that I transferred to MINTOS in loans with 9.5% of interest rate.

Initially, I thought that auto invest would buy loans exactly the opposite way of what it actually does, ie that auto invest would first buy loans that meet user criteria and have the highest interest rate, but I was mistaken.

This little problem can be overcome very easily. For this it will be enough to create several profiles of auto invest and define their order of execution with the decreasing interest rate.

But that's not what I'm doing. I set my auto invest profile to 12.9% and did not create any other auto invest profile. In case there is no loan available with the parameters that I set, I do the investment manually. It is a personal choice.

It is interesting to note that with only 37 loans subscribed, I already receive payments almost every day. I had two loans that were repurchased from me by the loan originator the day after my subscription.

In the details of account movements, the payment of 0.00 € of interest appears, but when you download the excel of these same movements, you will be able to verify that the interest that was due for the 24 hours of the contract was paid.

These € 0.00361111111111111 € may not seem significant, however, for the hundreds of thousands of loans traded on MINTOS, it's money. This shows a lot of transparency on the part of MINTOS and a real will to be a fair, fair company to the point of considering the fifteenth decimal place in the calculation of interest rate. I do not know what it's like in your country, but in Portugal, banks only consider the third decimal place to calculate interest rates.

And you? Do you invest in MINTOS? Want to share any tips?

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